Thursday 6 October 2011

MEDIA ARTS: 3D Invention Brainstorm

1.) Give reasons for why you think Da Vinci invented the inventions on the reverse of this sheet.

            I think that, just by looking at many of the drawings, that Da Vinci was very interested in human flight. He wanted to make machines that enabled humans to fly on their own, whether for leisure or for convenience of travel, I don't know. I also think that another reason Da Vinci was drawing designs such as diving suits were so that people could explore more of the mysteries of the world such as what creatures and plant life were at the bottom of the sea. Being able to swim in very deep water would give humans more freedom over where they could travel, as could flying. Items such as parachutes would have the potential of saving human lives if they needed/were going to fall from a great distance. As for the 'war machine', I suppose Da Vinci was thinking that it would aid his country in times of war. All of his inventions were intended to make human life easier and to expand our knowledge of other places in the world that (as of that time period) were currently inaccessible.

2.) Choose one of Da Vinci's inventions, and explain why you think it has had the biggest impact on modern society.

            I believe that Da Vinci's sketches and attempts at producing a diving suit had the biggest impact on modern society because now we have scuba diving suits and can breathe underwater for short periods of time. Scuba diving gear is a part of many professions i.e. diving instructors, marine biologists, and oceanographers. Being able to breathe underwater allowed us to explore the world of life in the seas. It has allowed us to better the theory of evolution and to make connections between underwater life and life on land. We have also uncovered historical artifacts such as shipwrecks and know more about people who lived before us as a result. Diving suits are an important part of our society today and it is phenomenal that Da Vinci dreamed up these ideas centuries before they were realized.

Later edit: As I didn't have many ideas of actual things to 'invent' at the time I posted this, I didn't post the ideas, figuring I'd do it later. Well, I've already started on my invention because I thought up an idea and totally forgot about posting my original brainstorm! So here they are:

Step Two: Make up a list of three (well, I did more...) inventions that would enrich our lives
1.)    Hovercraft
2.)    A ball of light you can carry around
3.)    A machine that can create different weather effects
4.)    An electronic creature that is controllable (if it’s small it can listen to conversations)
5.)    A device that sucks up dirt/dust
6.)  A machine that sorts socks from the laundry


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