Thursday 13 October 2011

MEDIA ARTS: Meet the Sock Sorter

1.) I think that the left arm (the left arm if you're looking at it) was the most successful sculpting in my project because it turned out looking very realistic and metallic. I was really pleased with how the shape of the arm ended up because it did look like something that might be able to pick up items and move them somewhere. I was also happy with how the screen turned out during the paint job because all I did was put a blue "technology background" and lightened it up a bit, then put "Analyzed" and a picture of a sock on it. It looks pretty neat, in my opinion. I think it really looks like a screen.

2.) I wasn't incredibly pleased with the arms on the right side of my machine. They were much harder to do because they were so close to the base and when I grabbed them the base came, too. And when I added in the second arm it was extremely difficult to grab just the one arm and not the other. All of the machine is just one sphere except for the trays on the side and the screen. I thought that the arms on the right didn't look nearly as realistic as the one on the left. I also wasn't quite as pleased with the "sock slot" because it is challenging to make a 'slot' in Sculptris. What I did was make a very deep crease in the base and painted the inside black, but in my opinion it still ended up looking strange because it has 'wrinkles' in the top and bottom of the slot due to the extreme crease I made.

3.) If I did this project again I would certainly make the arms different spheres. This would have made the project incredibly easier because with everything as one big blob I had a lot of difficulty dragging one piece of my machine and not taking another with it (see above--the most challenging bit was the two arms on the right side). I also hope to somehow figure out how to make straight edges in Sculptris so I can achieve a more boxy base for my sock machine... :)

As an extra note, when I was coming up with an idea for my sock machine, I wrote it out explaining it a bit like an advertisement, so I made an advertisement for my sock machine at the top! Here's the original text when I was brainstorming, if you care to read it:

"My idea for an interesting invention is a sock sorting machine!
I always hate sorting through socks, especially when they’re all white with grey heels and toes but you can’t match them up carelessly because on one the lining is different, or it’s a different length, or the material is different, or one has a thicker heel than the other, or maybe even one has non-slip sticky bits on the bottom! It’s frustrating when I have to sort through nearly-identical white socks. My solution to the problem would be that either a) Every single white/grey heeled sock is the exact same (not likely to happen) or … meet the sock sorter!
You put it in front of a pile of socks and it will put a sock into the slot and analyze it with its scanner. It will store a temporary information file about each sock. The sock itself will be piled on thin trays on its side. The machine will continue to scan socks and store them until it finds a match, in which case it will extract the appropriate sock from the pile and match it up. The matched sock is then deposited behind the machine. This process will continue until all of your socks are sorted!"

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