Sunday 18 November 2012


a.       Yes, the navigations are easy to read, understand, and click. In the main screen, the menu is very visible and it is clear which button takes you where. In each screen, I will have clear buttons to return you to the home page, and what each button does is obviously labeled. Although I want the visitor to enjoy looking through my portfolio, I don’t want them to get frustrated when they can’t get where they want. I also have used readable fonts so the visitor won’t have trouble reading the information.
b.      I will always have my menu displayed at the top of each page. When the menu is not incorporated into the artwork, it will be in the top right corner every time. The page you are currently on will be highlighted in the menu or otherwise emphasized so the user is aware of which page they are on and which ones they can ‘jump’ to. This will make it easy to get to each screen.
c.       On my pages, the text will always contrast enough to be clearly legible. If the background is too busy for the text, a square will appear behind the text so that it is still visible. While the focus is on the text, animations will be fairly minimal so it’s not distracting. Animations will not run in front of the text while you read it so it is not blocked.
d.      This design is creative because I have put my own twist on things I love: video games! It is also creative because it includes animations (and if my knowledge of Flash becomes more extensive, interactive gameplay portions!). It will stand out because my interests are clearly displayed throughout my entire portfolio. My portfolio will be interesting to look through as well as informative, which will make it stand out from generic informative.

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